All About Automatic Brick Making Machines

The brick making machines are a vital requirement for the construction and building industries. Just about every construction project involves the use of bricks. The practice of making bricks spans over hundreds of years. Many years ago bricks were made manually using clay and mud. Over time, the manufacturing processes evolved and today there are a number of modern techniques used to make bricks along with a variety of different fully automatic brick making plant philippines.

Here is a list of the common types of Brick Making Machines:

Concrete Block Machines

The concrete blocks are typically made by these machines which feature different molds. This machine features a tabletop vibrator which achieves just the right vibration which reduces the ratio of the cement that is used without having an effect on the strength of these blocks.

ABM-8S automatic brick making machine for sale
automatic brick making machine for sale

Clay Brick Machines

In the Clay Brick Making Machine, water and clay are combined in the first chamber. In the next chamber which is known as the extrusion chamber, the clay is shaped with the addition of a die. The brick sizes will vary according to the requirements of the project. This die can also be used to make perforated bricks, designer bricks, and hollow bricks. Inside the cutting machine, the clay is cut and then taken to a drying shed for the initial drying process.

Fly Ash Brick Making Machines

This automatic brick making machine is a highly efficient piece of equipment to manufacture bricks. This machine is fully-automatic and associated with a number of advantages which includes the removal of the bricks. Due to all the features that these machines offer which includes incomparable performance and anti-corrosion, they have become one of the most popular choices for many construction industries around the world.

The automatic brick making machines come in a variety of different configurations. Each machine uses a different set of techniques in order to produce and manufacture bricks. The brick making machine has become a vital part of the building and construction industries.

ABM-6S automatic block machine
automatic brick production plant

The Raw Materials Used To Make Bricks

The common materials that are used in the auto bricks machines include lime, sand, fly ash, lime sludge, iron oxide, quarry waste and more.

Automatic Brick Making Machine Features:

Here are some of the features associated with the brick making machine:

• Simple operation

• The construction of these machines are durable and robust

• Dimensional accuracy

• The power consumption is minimal

• Tensile strength

ABM-4S automatic brick machine
automatic type brick block machine

Before investing in an automatic brick making machine, there are a few factors to consider in order to select the right one:

• The capacity, which includes the number of bricks that are produced every hour

• The power of the motor

• What type of load the machine can handle

• The maximum size

• The size of the bricks

• Whether the system is automatic or hydraulic

• A manual or automatic mix feed

• Automatic or manual brick removal

• The weight of the machine

Since these machines are automated it provides an easier way to produce bricks much faster than any manual process. The ability of a construction company to produce their own bricks helps to save on time and money. You can continue to browse here if you are interested .