How to Compare the Price of Concrete Batching Plant

The concrete batching plant is one of the most crucial machines in the construction industry. It mixes fluidity concrete, no-slump concrete, and harsh and semi-dry concrete within a few minutes. You will see construction companies using concrete batching plants for road construction, bridge construction, and precast factories. If you are planning to buy one of these plants, you need to know the price range.

concrete batching plants
concrete batching plants

Average price of concrete batching plants

The price of concrete batching plant varies between $50,000 and $100,000. You need to consider the size, output, and brand of the concrete batching plant before buying. These three factors determine the prices of these machines. Some of the new manufacturers prefer to sell these batching plants at a low price because they want users to try new products instead of buying from the leaders in the industry. In such cases, you may get an advanced model at a relatively cheaper rate.

On the other hand, if you focus on a specific brand, then you may need to pay more compared to what you would pay to a first-time manufacturer. This is because branded companies come with the reputation of providing the best concrete batching plants in the business. They will do whatever they can to make sure that their products don’t dent their reputation. This makes your investment worth every penny.

Another way to compare the concrete batch plant price is to go through used machines. There are lots of companies that sell refurbished concrete batching plants. In fact, they also provide warranties on these machines to prove that they are in proper working condition. You can compare the features and price of refurbished plants with new plants and see if it’s best to invest in the used machine. Construction companies that don’t have the budget to buy a brand new concrete batching plant often prefer to buy used machines as they go easy on their pockets.

AJ-90 concrete batching plant
AJ-90 concrete batching plant

Comparing concrete batching plant sizes

Do you want to take the concrete batching plant to your construction site? Or keep it in one place from where you can use the concrete for construction purposes in different projects? The answer would decide the price that you may have to pay while buying one of the batching plants. Stationary batching plants are cheaper compared to their mobile counterparts. You can even get a huge stationary batching plant at a price that’s equal to the mediocre model of the mobile batching plant.

But mobile batching plants are more helpful because you can carry them wherever you go. You don’t need to invest in another truck to carry the concrete mix. This is very helpful when you have to work in the outskirts of the city that’s far away from your factory. You can get refurbished mobile batching plants also at affordable prices.

There are many factors that contribute to the cost of a concrete batch plant, such as equipment accessories, equipment materials, type of control system, plant design, output efficiency, and storage options.

Now that you know how to compare the prices of concrete batching plants, invest in one that’s suitable for your business.